8.10.2014 | 18:17
In English we were working on a group project about animals. I was with Margréti, Heišdķsi and Hrefnu in a group and we decide to write about piranhas. We started with making a text in word and then we copied it on a glogster poster. We found fun textboxes to put the text on. We found photos and a video and put it on the poster as well. When we had finished the poster we had to present it in front of our class. It went pretty well working on the project even though we were little short on time. I learned alot from this, like that piranhas can live upp to 25 years, they can crush a human hand in 5-10 seconds and that they eat their own babies. I really liked working on this poster and the groupwork and I think it“s pretty cool and I“m very proud off it.
Here you can see our poster
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